About this organization

Organization Name: Rentaload

Organization Solution and Services

  • Power Generation & Power Plant Solutions, Power Generation EQ & Accessories, Gas & Steam Turbines, Generators

  • Power Continuity, backup power systems, Industrial Power Supply, UPS, Battery charging Equipment

    Organization Types:

  • Business Services, Renewables Financing
  • Organization Size: Revenue under 10M
  • Revenue: -

  • Organization Years In business: 0-5 Years

Organization Information : Rentaload, founded in 2019, is a company specializing in the rental of power and temperature control equipment. They provide solutions such as generators, cooling units, and heaters for various industries, including construction, events, and emergency response. Rentaload focuses on offering reliable and efficient equipment rentals to meet the temporary power and climate control needs of their clients. Their services are designed to support a wide range of applications, ensuring operational continuity and comfort in diverse environments. The company is dedicated to delivering high-quality equipment and exceptional customer service. Exclusive North American load bank and critical power industry service provider. Revenue: $7.3 Million


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