About this organization

Organization Name: TotalEnergies

Organization Solution and Services

  • Renewable Energy (wind, solar, hydro)

    Organization Types:

  • Energy and Service provider
  • Organization Size:
  • Revenue: -

  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : TotalEnergies, founded in 1924, is a global energy company based in France, focusing on the production and supply of energy. Initially known for its oil and gas operations, the company has diversified into renewable energy sectors, including solar, wind, and biofuels. TotalEnergies is committed to transitioning toward net-zero emissions by 2050, aiming to balance its fossil fuel portfolio with sustainable energy solutions. It operates in over 130 countries, providing a wide range of energy products and services while focusing on sustainability and innovation for a low-carbon future. TotalEnergies was created in 1924 to allow France to claim its place in the great oil and gas adventure, and the Company has been driven by an authentic pioneer spirit ever since. It has discovered some of the greatest reserves in the world, created ever more sophisticated products in its refineries, and deployed a constantly growing range of products and services through its distribution network. One hundred years later, TotalEnergies is a global multi-energy company with a determined ambition: being a major player in the energy transition. To celebrate its centenary, TotalEnergies has created a logo: “Pioneers for 100 years”, which represents the engagement and daring of its employees, past, present and future


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