About this organization

Organization Name: Yokogawa Corporation of America

Organization Solution and Services

  • Operations & Maintenance, PV Maintenance (Panel Washing/PV EL Testing, Motors & Generators Maintenance)

    Organization Types:

  • Manufacture
  • Energy and Service provider
  • Organization Size: Revenue over 100M
  • Revenue: $3.4 Billion

  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : Yokogawa Corporation of America, established in 1915, is a subsidiary of Yokogawa Electric Corporation, a global leader in industrial automation and control systems. The company specializes in providing advanced solutions for process control, automation, and instrumentation. Its product portfolio includes process analyzers, distributed control systems, and field instrumentation for industries such as oil and gas, chemicals, and pharmaceuticals. Yokogawa Corporation of America focuses on delivering innovative technologies and services that enhance operational efficiency, safety, and reliability in industrial processes, supporting clients in achieving their automation and control objectives.

Other Information: Yokogawa provides advanced technologies and services for measurement, control, & information across a broad range of industries. Yokogawa addresses customer issues regarding complex production, operations management, & the optimization of assets, energy, & supply chain enabling the transition to autonomous operations. PXiSE, a Yokogawa company, provides software for managing the complexities arising from a 21st century grid. PXiSE’s software empowers utilities, developers, & asset owners to manage energy resources & delivery with renewable power plant controls & microgrid controllers. PXiSE improves grid reliability & increases renewable energy output, while achieving resiliency, safety, efficiency, & improved cost. BaxEnergy, a Yokogawa company, offers software solutions for visualizing & optimizing operations across traditional & renewable power, energy storage & green hydrogen production. BaxEnergy is used in over 2000 power plants, connecting 130+ GW of renewables in 40+ countries.

Key People Info:


Marco Casablanca


Area Sales Manager




Michal Andziak


Sales Director




Takafumi Kotajima


Sales Executive




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