About this organization

Organization Name: Pacific Coast Wire and Cable

Organization Solution and Services

  • Energy Storage Systems, Batteries, Energy Storage component, Inverter

    Organization Types:

  • Energy and Service provider
  • Organization Size: Revenue under 10M
  • Revenue: <$5 Million

  • Organization Years In business: 0-5 Years

Organization Information : Pacific Coast Wire and Cable, founded in 2019, specializes in the distribution of high-quality wire and cable products for various industries, including aerospace, defense, telecommunications, and industrial applications. The company offers a wide range of products such as electrical wires, cables, connectors, and related accessories. Pacific Coast Wire and Cable focuses on providing customized solutions that meet the specific needs of its clients, ensuring reliable performance and compliance with industry standards. With a commitment to quality and customer service, the company supports industries in optimizing their electrical and communication systems.

Other Information: Pacific Coast Wire and Cable is your trusted partner for cable management and assembly solutions. We specialize in delivering reliable products and services to meet the demands of diverse projects, from utility-scale installations to residential solar systems. We offer: •Certainty in an Uncertain World: We navigate the complexities of the supply chain to ensure consistent product availability and timely delivery. •Tailored Solutions: Our expertise allows us to provide custom cable assemblies and management solutions that meet your specific project requirements. •Competitive Pricing: We offer competitive pricing without compromising quality or service. •Relationship-Based Approach: We value long-term partnerships and strive to exceed your expectations with every interaction. •Proven Track Record: Our experience and dedication have earned us a reputation for excellence in the industry. •Customer Satisfaction: Our satisfied clients attest to our commitment to quality, reliability, service

Key People Info:


Ken Kasterko


Chief of Staff and Operations Manager




Tricia D


Sales Engineer




Brooke H


Sales Support Specialist




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