About this organization

Organization Name: iRooFA

Organization Solution and Services

  • PV/Solar Components, Tracker, Junction box, connectors, Racking System, Solar Mounting Eq, Module-level monitoring, Solar line manufacturing Machine

    Organization Types:

  • Engineering
  • Organization Size: Revenue under 10M
  • Revenue: <$5 Million

  • Organization Years In business: 0-5 Years

Organization Information : iRooFA, founded in 2019, provides advanced roofing solutions with a focus on innovation and technology. The company specializes in offering roofing systems designed for durability, energy efficiency, and sustainability. iRooFA uses cutting-edge materials and construction methods to deliver high-quality roofing products for residential and commercial buildings. Their services include installation, maintenance, and inspection, ensuring long-lasting performance and protection. With a commitment to customer satisfaction, iRooFA focuses on enhancing the longevity and energy efficiency of roofing systems while minimizing environmental impact.

Other Information: iRooFA = Instant Roof Framing Analysis. Automated Structural and Electrical Engineering for Residential PV Solar. Stick Frame, Truss, IBC / CBC 5% and Seismic Analyses. Ground mount analysis. Battery structural analysis. Celebrating over 40,000 jobs done across the US. Licnesed throughout the US, we perpare structural reports and electrical analyses for your residential PV project and Review / Sign / Seal your plans. AutoCAD integration. Patented globally. Licensed Architects and Professional Engineers also use our platform to create their own engineering reports. Super fast. Super affordable. iRooFA.solar


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