About this organization

Organization Name: Delicacy Laser Optoelectronics (Langfang) Technology Co.,Ltd

Organization Solution and Services

  • PV/Solar, PV Module, PV Inverter

    Organization Types:

  • OEM, Manufacture
  • Organization Size:
  • Revenue: -

  • Organization Years In business: 0-5 Years

Organization Information : Delicacy Laser Optoelectronics (Langfang) Technology Co., Ltd., founded in 2010, is a manufacturer specializing in laser and optoelectronic technology. They focus on producing high-quality laser equipment, including laser marking, cutting, and engraving machines, as well as optoelectronic components used in various industrial and commercial applications. Delicacy Laser Optoelectronics is known for its commitment to innovation and precision in laser technology, offering solutions that support manufacturing processes, product customization, and other advanced applications. The company aims to provide reliable and efficient laser solutions to meet the needs of its diverse clientele. Beijing Delicacy Laser Optoelectronics Co.,Ltd was founded in Chaoyang district of Beijing in 2000. At beginning of it's establishment, the company mainly focuses on the development and manufacturing of Laser Processing Equipment and Optical Testing Equipment. In 2003, the company entered into the Photovoltaic IV testing industry, developed and produced the first class AAA solar module IV Tester and class AAA solar cell IV Tester in China. Since then, the IV Tester has become the major products of our company. In 2019, in order to meet the needs of business development, Delicacy Laser Optoelectronics(Langfang) Technology Co.,Ltd was established in Langfang Dachang, as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Delicacy Laser-Beijing. In the past 22 years, relying on the technical backbone experts of Beijing Institute of Optoelectronic Technology and Tsinghua University Computer Science and Technology Department, Delicacy Laser has been specializing in the research and development, production.


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