About this organization

Organization Name: Westwood Professional Services

Organization Solution and Services

  • Design Services, Substation layout & site design, Electrical, Civil, Structural, Protection & Control, AIS and GIS design, Transmission LineDesign, Tower Design

  • Power Engineering Softwares & Analysis, Power System Planning, Dynamic Analysis, Reliability Analysis, Load Flow Analysis, Power System Design, Power System Protection

    Organization Types:

  • Consulting
  • Engineering
  • Organization Size: Revenue over 100M
  • Revenue: -

  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : Westwood Professional Services, founded in 1972, is a provider of comprehensive engineering and consulting services. They specialize in areas such as land surveying, civil engineering, environmental services, and landscape architecture. Westwood Professional Services supports projects across various sectors, including energy, infrastructure, and real estate development. Their focus is on delivering high-quality, innovative solutions to help clients navigate complex projects and achieve successful outcomes. Westwood is currently ranked #6 for ENR's Top Design Firm for Solar, #4 on ENR’s Top Design Firm for Battery Storage, and #3 on ENR’s Top Design Firm for Wind (2024). Westwood is an award-winning, comprehensive engineering, surveying, and environmental firm with expertise in wind energy, solar energy, energy storage, power delivery, and EV infrastructure. We have supported more than 190+ GW of wind energy since 1997 and 175+ GW of solar energy since 2008. Established in 1972, we have focused on providing successful solutions to clients nationwide. We will support you with a wide range of exceptional engineering and consulting services, including Electrical, Environmental, Land Surveying, Substation, Civil, Geotechnical, Structural, and Aerial Mapping. Revenue: $319.5M


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