About this organization

Organization Name: KiloNewton LLC

Organization Solution and Services

  • Power Engineering Softwares & Analysis, Power System Planning, Dynamic Analysis, Reliability Analysis, Load Flow Analysis, Power System Design, Power System Protection

    Organization Types:

  • Engineering Solutions, EPC
  • Consulting
  • Organization Size: Revenue under 10M
  • Revenue: -

  • Organization Years In business: 5-10 Years

Organization Information : KiloNewton LLC, founded in 2017, is a technology company specializing in engineering and consulting services for the industrial and energy sectors. They offer solutions in areas such as structural engineering, mechanical design, and system optimization. KiloNewton LLC focuses on providing technical expertise and innovative solutions to improve the efficiency and performance of industrial systems and infrastructure. Their services aim to support clients in achieving reliable and effective engineering outcomes across various applications. KiloNewton has provided its SiTE™ (Site & Technology Evaluation) Optimization Services to our customers since the company's founding in 2017 by John Williamson, the former Chief Engineer of Array Technologies. KiloNewton works closely with leading solar developers, EPCs and EORs to provide optimization engineering services for solar sites. We utilize proprietary software and algorithms to analyze GIS, CAD, and other terrain and system data to minimize grading & steel and optimize energy production. Quickly and efficiently. The SolarSpace™ Toolbox is our revolutionary solar site design and optimization software solution that powers our SiTE™ Optimization Services. The Toolbox is an Add-in to Esri's ArcGIS Pro, the world's leading GIS platform.


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