About this organization

Organization Name: Commercial Solar Panel Recycling

Organization Solution and Services

  • PV/Solar Components, Tracker, Junction box, connectors, Racking System, Solar Mounting Eq, Module-level monitoring, Solar line manufacturing Machine

    Organization Types:

  • Energy and Service provider
  • Organization Size: Revenue under 10M
  • Revenue: -

  • Organization Years In business: 0-5 Years

Organization Information : Commercial Solar Panel Recycling was founded in 2019 specializes in the recycling and proper disposal of solar panels. Their services focus on managing the end-of-life phase of solar panels, ensuring that they are dismantled, processed, and recycled in an environmentally responsible manner. The company aims to reduce the environmental impact of solar panel waste by recovering valuable materials and preventing harmful substances from entering landfills. This process supports the sustainability of the solar industry and contributes to the circular economy by repurposing components from decommissioned panels. Commercial Solar Panel Recycling is a nationwide provider of solar panel recycling, value recovery and resale for utility, commercial and community PV projects.


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