About this organization

Organization Name: Power Ray LLC

Organization Solution and Services

  • Operations & Maintenance, PV Maintenance (Panel Washing/PV EL Testing, Motors & Generators Maintenance)

    Organization Types:

  • Energy and Service provider
  • Construction
  • Organization Size: Revenue under 10M
  • Revenue: -

  • Organization Years In business: 0-5 Years

Organization Information : Power Ray LLC is a company specializing in electrical services and power solutions. They offer a wide range of services, including electrical installation, maintenance, and repair for residential, commercial, and industrial clients. Their expertise covers wiring, lighting, power distribution, and electrical safety systems. With a focus on energy efficiency and reliability, Power Ray LLC helps clients optimize their power usage and ensure safe, compliant electrical systems. The company also provides emergency repair services, addressing electrical issues promptly. Power Ray LLC aims to deliver high-quality, customer-focused solutions tailored to meet specific power needs. For EPC contractors, Power Ray LLC is the dedicated construction subcontractor that provides a full range of services across the solar energy spectrum at a quality that is never compromised, all the while championing safety along the way. A family owned and operated company since 2020, Power Ray LLC is the premier EPC subcontractor in the solar energy industry. When we are on site, you can be confident in the solar energy construction that we bring to the grid. With a quality electrical apprenticeship program, attention to every detail, and over 800MW of renewable energy constructed so far with more on the way, Power Ray is the ultimate construction subcontractor to bring your EPC needs to life. We are proud to showcase our status as 2024 Top Solar Contractor #30 as appointed by Solar Power World, an accomplishment that goes beyond simple recognition and extends to our purpose to bring SOLAR energy to power the grid! Stop by exhibit E10096 to ask about our high quality services! ☀


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