About this organization
Organization Name: MunichRe
Organization Solution and Services
Renewable Energy (wind, solar, hydro)
- Energy and Service provider
Organization Types:
- Organization Size: Revenue over 100M
- Organization Years In business: 10+ Years
Revenue: $63.6 Billion
Organization Information : Munich Re, founded in 1880, is a leading global reinsurer offering a range of risk management solutions. The company provides reinsurance services across various sectors, including property, casualty, life, and health insurance. Munich Re’s products include risk assessment, underwriting, and claims management services designed to help insurers manage and mitigate risks. The company also offers expertise in insurance-related consulting and analytics. Munich Re is known for its innovative approach to risk management and its commitment to helping clients navigate complex and evolving risk landscapes while enhancing their financial stability.
Other Information: Munich Re is one of the world's leading provider of reinsurance, primary insurance and insurance-related risk solutions. Since it was founded in 1880, Munich Re has been known for its unrivalled risk-related expertise and its sound finanancial position. Munich Re leverages its strengths to promote its clients’ business interests and technological progress. Moreover, Munich Re develops covers for new risks such as renewable energies and emerging technologies paving the way for energy transition.