About this organization

Organization Name: Panduit

Organization Solution and Services

  • Energy Storage Systems, Batteries, Energy Storage component, Inverter

    Organization Types:

  • Developer, Transmission, Renewable Energy
  • Organization Size: Revenue over 100M
  • Revenue: $1.4 Billion

  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : Panduit, founded in 1955, is a global leader in innovative electrical and network infrastructure solutions. The company offers a wide range of products, including cable management systems, electrical wiring components, network connectivity solutions, and industrial automation products. Panduit's solutions are designed to optimize physical and electrical infrastructure, ensuring reliable, efficient, and scalable systems for data centers, enterprises, and industrial environments. Their products are widely used in various industries to enhance operational performance and support digital transformation initiatives

Other Information: As the Renewable Energy industry grows, so do the demands on your network and electrical infrastructure. Panduit is the leader in global supply chain and engineering guidance you need to design and build best-in-class Solar, Wind, Energy Storage and Electrical Vehicle Supply Equipment systems. We offer a full product portfolio to help our customers turn connectivity into a competitive advantage. Our core values guide us in our corporate stewardship efforts with the goal of empowering our customers, partners, and our employees to succeed in a sustainable and connected world. Innovation is a hallmark of everything we do, empowering our experts in research, design, analysis, prototyping, testing, and manufacturing to help customers implement solutions that keep businesses moving forward. Partner with Panduit to bring the most innovative renewable energies solutions to the market.

Key People Info:


Kirk Harrison


Director of Sales




Elver Alvarez


Development Engineer




Jeremy Lee


Business Development Manager




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