About this organization

Organization Name: Sanhe Tongfei Refrigeration Co., Ltd.

Organization Solution and Services

  • Energy Efficiency, HVAC, Building Materials, Heat Pump

    Organization Types:

  • OEM, Manufacture
  • Organization Size: Revenue under 10M
  • Revenue: <$5 Million

  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : established in 2001, specializes in the production of high-quality refrigeration and air conditioning equipment. The company offers a range of products including industrial chillers, cooling systems, and temperature control units. Sanhe Tongfei focuses on delivering reliable and efficient solutions designed for various applications such as industrial processes, commercial refrigeration, and HVAC systems. Committed to innovation and quality, Sanhe Tongfei provides advanced technology and durable equipment to ensure optimal performance and energy efficiency in cooling and refrigeration operations

Other Information: Sanhe Tongfei Refrigeration Co., Ltd., established in 2001, is a listed company in SZSE (300990), and also a leading service provider of comprehensive solutions in the field of industrial temperature control in China. The company has a wholly-owned subsidiary in Stuttgart, Germany, and a R&D and Design Institute in Beijing. TONGFEI's products cover industrial temperature control solutions in several applications such as liquid cooling and air cooling process, and provide professional temperature control products for energy storage systems, intelligent manufacturing equipment, power transmission and transformation, new energy power generation and other related fields. TONGFEI continues to deepen its major business by rapidly promoting the temperature control business in the energy-storage and semiconductor industry, hrough gathering talents and making quality products, TONGFEI stays committed to becoming a world-class specialist in the industrial temperature control field


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