About this organization

Organization Name: Zendure USA Inc.

Organization Solution and Services

  • Power Continuity, backup power systems, Industrial Power Supply, UPS, Battery charging Equipment

    Organization Types:

  • Developer, Transmission, Renewable Energy
  • Organization Size: Revenue under 10M
  • Revenue: <$5 Million

  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : founded in 2017, specializes in high-performance portable power solutions. The company offers a range of products including power banks, portable chargers, and battery storage systems. Zendure focuses on delivering durable and reliable power solutions designed to meet the needs of travelers, tech enthusiasts, and outdoor adventurers. With a commitment to innovation and quality, Zendure USA ensures its products provide efficient and long-lasting power for a variety of devices, supporting a seamless and convenient user experience

Other Information: Founded in 2017, Zendure is one of the fastest-growing EnergyTech start-ups located in the technology hubs of Silicon Valley, USA, and the Greater Bay Area, China, Japan, and Germany. Our purpose is to accelerate a sustainable future. Our mission is to deliver reliable and affordable clean energy for households worldwide by popularizing the latest EnergyTech. We envision being a Clean EnergyTech platform that sustains communities and families

Key People Info:


Kate Ye


Sales Director




Bryan Liu


founder and CEO




Jeff Shen


Regional Sales Manager




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