About this organization

Organization Name: Skyblue Smart Equipment

Organization Solution and Services

  • Automation Substation & Distribution Solutions, Industrial Control Systems, remote I/O ,Control Switches & Connectors, PLC, Drive, Human Machine Interface Drive, Industrial Motors, Automation Assembly Lines:

    Organization Types:

  • Manufacture
  • Organization Size: Revenue under 10M
  • Revenue: $5 Million

  • Organization Years In business: 5-10 Years

Organization Information : founded in 2017, specializes in the development and production of advanced smart equipment for various industries. The company focuses on manufacturing intelligent automation systems, including smart sensors, control units, and monitoring solutions for industrial automation, building management, and smart home applications. Skyblue Smart Equipment integrates cutting-edge technology to deliver reliable, efficient, and innovative solutions that enhance operational efficiency and connectivity. Their commitment to quality and technological advancement has positioned them as a notable player in the smart equipment industry At Skyblue Smart Equipment our mission is clear: to pioneer the advancement of green hydrogen solutions worldwide. With a steadfast commitment to sustainability and innovation, we are dedicated to revolutionizing the way hydrogen is produced and utilized on a global scale.

Other Information: Founded in China, Skyblue Smart Equipment has grown from a local supplier to a renowned leader in the hydrogen production industry. Our journey has been marked by relentless dedication to research, development, and the pursuit of excellence. Spanning across key regions, our network of modern production bases exemplifies our commitment to cutting-edge technology and environmental responsibility. From lithium material production in Tianjin to hydrogen equipment manufacturing in Nanjing, each facility is equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure and advanced manufacturing capabilities.


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