About this organization

Organization Name: Fractal EMS

Organization Solution and Services

  • Power Electronics & Control, Semi, Thyristors, MOSFETs, Sensing, LED

    Organization Types:

  • Software Solutions
  • Developer, Transmission, Renewable Energy
  • Organization Size: Revenue under 10M
  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : Fractal EMS (Energy Management Solutions) is a company that provides advanced energy management and storage solutions. Founded in 2015 and headquartered in the United States, Fractal EMS specializes in offering software and technology solutions designed to optimize energy usage and storage across various applications. Their services include energy management systems, battery storage solutions, and integration with renewable energy sources. Fractal EMS aims to enhance operational efficiency, reduce energy costs, and support sustainability initiatives through innovative technology and data-driven insights, catering to residential, commercial, and industrial clients. Fractal EMS is a fully vertical controls platform that includes software, controllers, integration and analytics (with optional monitoring and maintenance). Fractal EMS provides full command, control, monitoring and management for a single asset or fleet of assets (located anywhere in the world). Vertical Controls: Unit Controls, Site Level Controls and/or Master Plant Controls Technology Agnostic: Compatible with different brands of batteries, generation resources and BOP components. Solar Ready: Standalone storage, solar only, AC- and DC-coupled PVS. High Security: Variety of network architectures with cloud-based and/or local HMI options available. Fractal Optimizer: Dispatch optimization tool that maximizes the rate of return by balancing price forecasts with total cost of ownership. Flexible Scope: Controllers, software, networking, SCADA, maintenance and 24/7 monitoring options available. Fractal EMS is a fully vertical controls platform that includes software, controllers, integration and analytics (with optional monitoring and maintenance). Fractal EMS provides full command, control, monitoring and management for a single asset or fleet of assets (located anywhere in the world). Vertical Controls: Unit Controls, Site Level Controls and/or Master Plant Controls Technology Agnostic: Compatible with different brands of batteries, generation resources and BOP components. Solar Ready: Standalone storage, solar only, AC- and DC-coupled PVS. High Security: Variety of network architectures with cloud-based and/or local HMI options available. Fractal Optimizer: Dispatch optimization tool that maximizes the rate of return by balancing price forecasts with total cost of ownership. Flexible Scope: Controllers, software, networking, SCADA, maintenance and 24/7 monitoring options availableFractal EMS (Energy Management Solutions) is a company that provides advanced energy management and storage solutions. Revenue $5M Alice Lu Sales Manager alice.lu@fractalems.com +1 903-530-0893


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