About this organization

Organization Name: BayWa r.e. USA LLC

Organization Solution and Services

  • PV/Solar, PV Module, PV Inverter

  • Renewable Energy (wind, solar, hydro)

  • Finance/Legal, Project Finance & Development, Renewables Financing, M&A, Environmental Law and Permitting, Litigation and Dispute Resolution

    Organization Types:

  • Construction
  • Trade Labor/Staffing, Workforce Development
  • Organization Size: Revenue over 100M
  • Revenue: $28.2 Million

  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : Founded in 2013, BayWa r.e. USA LLC is a leading renewable energy developer, service provider, and distributor operating across the United States. The company specializes in solar and wind project development, offering comprehensive services from initial planning and consultation to project development and ongoing technical and commercial operations management. Their expertise encompasses utility-scale solar and energy storage projects, as well as wind energy solutions. BayWa r.e. USA LLC is committed to driving the global renewable energy transition by implementing innovative technologies and providing sustainable energy solutions. As a subsidiary of BayWa r.e., the company benefits from a strong international presence and extensive experience in the renewable energy sector.

Other Information: At BayWa r.e. we r.e.think energy - how it is produced, stored and can be best used to enable the global renewable energy transition that is essential to the future of our planet. We are a leading global developer, service supplier, distributor and solutions provider and have brought over 6 GW of energy online and manage over 10.5 GW of assets. We are also an Independent Power Producer with an expanding energy trading business. Our joint shareholders are BayWa AG, a globally successful business with revenues of USD 28.5 billion, and Energy Infrastructure Partners, a leader in energy infrastructure investment.

Key People Info:


Thijs Willems


Sales Representative




David Carrasco


Calvo Business Development and PMI Manager




Tor Pramoj






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