About this organization

Organization Name: Right Angle Engineering

Organization Solution and Services

  • Finance/Legal, Project Finance & Development, Renewables Financing, M&A, Environmental Law and Permitting, Litigation and Dispute Resolution

  • Field work & Engineering, Filed equipment, Field work & Machinery, Site access & ROW clearing services, Construction Equipment/Tools, Trench and Utility Boxes

  • Design Services, Substation layout & site design, Electrical, Civil, Structural, Protection & Control, AIS and GIS design, Transmission LineDesign, Tower Design

    Organization Types:

  • Consulting
  • Energy and Service provider
  • Organization Size: Revenue under 10M
  • Revenue: $5 Million

  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : Founded in 2008 , Right Angle Engineering offers innovative solutions in the field of mechanical and electrical engineering. Specializing in design, prototyping, and manufacturing, they provide high-quality products and services tailored to various industries such as automation, robotics, and industrial machinery. Their core offerings include precision mechanical components, control systems, and turnkey automation solutions. Right Angle Engineering emphasizes customer collaboration, providing comprehensive support throughout project phases, from initial design to final implementation. With a focus on efficiency and quality, they deliver reliable, cost-effective solutions that meet specific operational needs, ensuring long-term performance and client satisfaction.

Other Information: Right Angle Engineering is a company specializing in engineering and design solutions for various industries, including renewable energy, construction, and infrastructure. Founded in 2008 and headquartered in the United Kingdom, Right Angle Engineering provides services such as structural engineering, civil engineering, and project management. The company focuses on delivering innovative and cost-effective engineering solutions that support the successful implementation and operation of complex projects. Right Angle Engineering aims to enhance project outcomes through technical expertise, advanced design methodologies, and a commitment to quality and efficiency in its engineering practices. Right Angle Engineering aims to enhance project outcomes through technical expertise, advanced design methodologies, and a commitment to quality and efficiency in its engineering practices.Right Angle Engineering is a company specializing in engineering and design solutions for various industries, including renewable energy, construction, and infrastructure

Key People Info:


Jackson Smythe


Sales Representative






Dakota Smythe






Dallin Blight


Business Development Manager




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