About this organization

Organization Name: Goldbeck Solar

Organization Solution and Services

  • Field work & Engineering, Filed equipment, Field work & Machinery, Site access & ROW clearing services, Construction Equipment/Tools, Trench and Utility Boxes

  • Design Services, Substation layout & site design, Electrical, Civil, Structural, Protection & Control, AIS and GIS design, Transmission LineDesign, Tower Design

    Organization Types:

  • Engineering Solutions, EPC
  • Organization Size: Revenue in the 10M-100M range
  • Revenue: $39.8 Million

  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : Founded in 2001, Goldbeck Solar specializes in providing innovative photovoltaic solutions for the renewable energy sector. The company offers comprehensive services, including the design, installation, and operation of solar energy systems for both residential and commercial clients. Their product range includes high-quality solar panels, inverters, and energy storage systems, all designed for maximum efficiency and sustainability. Goldbeck Solar is committed to advancing the adoption of clean energy by offering tailored solutions, reliable support, and cutting-edge technologies. With a strong focus on customer satisfaction and environmental impact, the company has become a trusted name in the solar industry worldwide.

Other Information: Founded in 2001 Goldbeck Solar is a company specializing in the development and implementation of solar energy projects. Founded in 2001 and headquartered in Gelsenkirchen, Germany, Goldbeck Solar focuses on providing comprehensive solar solutions for commercial, industrial, and utility-scale applications. The company's services include project planning, engineering, procurement, construction (EPC), and operation and maintenance (O&M) of solar power systems. Goldbeck Solar is known for its expertise in large-scale solar installations and its commitment to delivering high-quality, efficient solar energy solutions that support sustainability and reduce carbon footprints. Goldbeck Solar is a company specializing in the development and implementation of solar energy projects. Founded in 2001 and headquartered in Gelsenkirchen, Germany, Goldbeck Solar focuses on providing comprehensive solar solutions for commercial, industrial, and utility-scale applications. The company's services include project planning, engineering, procurement, construction (EPC), and operation and maintenance (O&M) of solar power systems. Goldbeck Solar is known for its expertise in large-scale solar installations and its commitment to delivering high-quality, efficient solar energy solutions that support sustainability and reduce carbon footprints.

Key People Info:


Cedric Fleckenstein


Sales Manager


(503) 690-2892


Joachim Goldbeck




49 6201 710 3300


Stephanie Mahoney






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