About this organization

Organization Name: Nextracker

Organization Solution and Services

  • Power Engineering Softwares & Analysis, Power System Planning, Dynamic Analysis, Reliability Analysis, Load Flow Analysis, Power System Design, Power System Protection

    Organization Types:

  • Engineering Solutions, EPC
  • Software Solutions
  • Organization Size: Revenue over 100M
  • Revenue: $1.9B

  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : Founded in 2013 , Nextracker is a company specializing in solar tracking technology and solutions for photovoltaic (PV) systems. Founded in 2013, Nextracker offers advanced solar trackers that enhance the efficiency and performance of solar power installations by adjusting the angle of solar panels to follow the sun’s path. Their solutions are designed to maximize energy production, reduce costs, and improve the reliability of solar projects Nextracker is a company specializing in solar tracking technology and solutions for photovoltaic (PV) systems. Founded in 2013, Nextracker offers advanced solar trackers that enhance the efficiency and performance of solar power installations by adjusting the angle of solar panels to follow the sun’s path. Their solutions are designed to maximize energy production, reduce costs, and improve the reliability of solar projects. Nextracker serves a global market, providing innovative and scalable tracking systems for residential, commercial, and utility-scale solar installations.

Other Information: Nextracker is a leading provider of intelligent, integrated solar tracker and software solutions used in utility-scale and distributed-generation solar projects around the world. Our products enable solar panels in utility-scale power plants to follow the sun’s movement across the sky and optimize plant performance. With an operating fleet in forty countries, Nextracker leads the solar industry with solar tracker technologies that increase energy production while reducing costs for significant plant ROI. For more information, please visit www.nextracker.com.

Key People Info:


Antoine Wagschal


Sales Director


(917) 573-3561


Jose Pereira


Sales Manager




Nelson Falcao


Senior Director Business Development




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