About this organization

Organization Name: Maanshan Rnbc Heat Exchanger Co.,Ltd

Organization Solution and Services

  • Grid Management Solutions, Energy Management Systems (EMS)

  • Energy Efficiency, HVAC, Building Materials, Heat Pump

    Organization Types:

  • Manufacture
  • Organization Size: Revenue over 100M
  • Revenue: $5.7 Million

  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : Founded in 2006, Maanshan Rnbc Heat Exchanger Co., Ltd. specializes in the design, manufacturing, and supply of high-quality heat exchangers. Their products include air-cooled heat exchangers, plate heat exchangers, shell and tube heat exchangers, and customized thermal management solutions. The company serves industries like petrochemical, HVAC, power generation, and food processing. Rnbc is committed to providing efficient, durable, and energy-saving solutions for temperature regulation. Their services include engineering consultation, installation, maintenance, and after-sales support. With a focus on innovation and sustainability, Rnbc delivers reliable heat transfer solutions for complex industrial applications.

Other Information: Founded in 2006 , Maanshan Rnbc Heat Exchanger Co., Ltd. specializes in the design and manufacture of heat exchangers and related thermal management solutions. The company provides a range of products for applications in industries such as automotive, HVAC, and industrial processes. With a focus on engineering excellence and quality, Maanshan Rnbc Heat Exchanger aims to deliver efficient and reliable heat transfer solutions to enhance energy efficiency and operational performance across various sectors. Maanshan Rnbc Heat Exchanger Co., Ltd. specializes in the design and manufacture of heat exchangers and related thermal management solutions. The company provides a range of products for applications in industries such as automotive, HVAC, and industrial processes. With a focus on engineering excellence and quality, Maanshan Rnbc Heat Exchanger aims to deliver efficient and reliable heat transfer solutions to enhance energy efficiency and operational performance across various sectors.

Key People Info:


Anhui Maanshan








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