About this organization

Organization Name: Sungage

Organization Solution and Services

  • Finance/Legal, Project Finance & Development, Renewables Financing, M&A, Environmental Law and Permitting, Litigation and Dispute Resolution

    Organization Types:

  • Business Services
  • Organization Size: Revenue in the 10M-100M range
  • Revenue: -

  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : Sungage Financial, founded in 2013, is a company that specializes in providing financing solutions for residential solar energy projects. The company partners with solar installers and homeowners to offer flexible, affordable loans specifically designed for solar energy systems. Sungage Financial aims to make solar power more accessible by offering tailored financial products that help homeowners invest in solar energy with minimal upfront costs. By focusing on customer service and streamlined loan processes, Sungage enables more people to adopt renewable energy, contributing to the growth of solar power across the United States. Revenue $56.2 Million


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