About this organization

Organization Name: Howmet Fastening Systems

Organization Solution and Services

  • Mounting and Fastening Hardware, Grounding and Anchoring EQ (Anchor Rods), Support and Mounting EQ (Clamps, Braces, Washer, Pin), Earth Anchors, Conductor Hardware

    Organization Types:

  • OEM, Manufacture
  • Organization Size: Revenue over 100M
  • Revenue: -

  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : Howmet Fastening Systems, founded in 1938, specializes in high-performance fastening solutions for industries such as aerospace, automotive, and industrial manufacturing. The company offers a wide range of products, including rivets, bolts, nuts, and installation tools, designed for durability and precision in demanding environments. These fasteners are critical components in applications where reliability and strength are paramount. Howmet Fastening Systems supports advanced engineering and manufacturing needs, ensuring that complex structures are securely assembled and maintained across various high-stakes industries. Huck manufactures lockbolts and structural blind fasteners that have been trusted to fasten critical joints all around the world for over 80 years. We invented the original lockbolt and continue to push the technology forward, manufacturing Huckbolts that deliver controlled, repeatable clamp and vibration resistance that is unmatched with conventional fasteners. Our range of structural blind fasteners makes joining dissimilar metals fast and consistent for joints that stand up to wind and seismic activity. And all of this installs with Huck installation tooling – included several battery-powered tool options – to deliver the consistent, reliable fastening every time. Revenue Howmet Aerospace: $6.6 Billion


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