About this organization

Organization Name: Pylon Technologies

Organization Solution and Services

  • Energy Storage Systems, Batteries, Energy Storage component, Inverter

    Organization Types:

  • Manufacture
  • Organization Size: Revenue under 10M
  • Revenue: $5.2 Million

  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : Pylon Technologies Co., Ltd., founded in 2009, is a leading Chinese manufacturer specializing in energy storage systems and lithium-ion batteries. The company produces a range of products, including lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) batteries, battery management systems, and energy storage solutions for residential, commercial, and industrial applications. Pylontech's products are designed to support renewable energy integration, grid stabilization, and backup power systems, making them a key player in the global energy storage market. Their innovative, reliable, and cost-effective solutions have earned them a strong presence in both domestic and international markets.

Other Information: Pylontech is a dedicated BESS (battery energy storage system) provider, consolidating expertise in electrochemistry, power electronics, and system integration to deliver reliable BESS solutions globally. With its continuous and rapid growth, it has become a leading supplier of lithium battery energy storage systems worldwide. Over the past decade we have been redefining electric power generation, storage and usage with our partners globally. Continuous innovation and broad collaboration is the only route to an efficient, sustainable and affordable new energy structure. We strongly believe in the carbon neutral commitments from global leaders and strive to contribute our passion into the movement.

Key People Info:


Bruce He


Sales Manager




Rita Ping Global


Sales Director




Winnie Wei


Business Development North America




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