About this organization

Organization Name: Bailey Specialty Cranes & Aerials

Organization Solution and Services

  • Field work & Engineering, Filed equipment, Field work & Machinery, Site access & ROW clearing services, Construction Equipment/Tools, Trench and Utility Boxes

    Organization Types:

  • OEM, Manufacture
  • Organization Size: Revenue under 10M
  • Revenue: -

  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : Founded in 2010, Bailey Specialty Cranes & Aerials is an engineering and manufacturing company in Muskego, Wisconsin. The company focuses on specialty lifting products, including mini cranes, aerial work platforms, glass handling equipment, and explosion-proof lifts. Their products cater to niche markets, emphasizing productivity and safety improvements. Bailey offers extensive engineering capabilities, designing custom lifting solutions and advanced products, while also providing design services, parts, and support. Recognized for their innovation and quality, Bailey Specialty Cranes & Aerials continues to lead in specialty lifting solutions​. Revenue $5.4 Million


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