About this organization

Organization Name: Pegasus Solar

Organization Solution and Services

  • PV/Solar Components, Tracker, Junction box, connectors, Racking System, Solar Mounting Eq, Module-level monitoring, Solar line manufacturing Machine

    Organization Types:

  • Manufacture
  • Organization Size: Revenue under 10M
  • Revenue: $7 Million

  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : Pegasus (www.pegasussolar.com) is the nation’s fastest growing manufacturer of solar mounting solutions. Our engineers partner with installers and contractors to design products and technology that make installation better at every step. From integrated project design and permitting, to smart warehousing, packaging and transport, to fast, efficient installation, Pegasus is delivering the future of solar. SkipRail eliminates 5 tons of material, 2 miles of rail and 1500 roof penetrations per crew each year. InstaFlash provides an instant, watertight-for-life attachment in almost any weather – with no mess. BondBox eliminates ground lugs and copper wire. Products so easy to use, even the new guy can do it. Discover a better day on the job and a lifetime of exceptional value.

Other Information: Pegasus Solar, founded in 2012, is an American company dedicated to developing advanced rooftop solar mounting systems. Based in Richmond, California, Pegasus Solar designs products that simplify the installation process, enhance durability, and maintain watertight integrity. Their product lineup includes the SkipRail, Rail System, InstaFlash, and Tile Scissor Mount, all engineered for ease of use, reliability, and aesthetic appeal. Pegasus Solar has shipped over 5 million units, resulting in nearly 1 gigawatt of installations without any reported roof leaks or product failures. The company holds 18 U.S. and international patents and prides itself on quick order fulfillment and sustainable packaging

Key People Info:


Kai Stephan


CEO & Founder




Karen Lowry


Regional Sales Manager




Dean Kisieu






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