About this organization

Organization Name: KB Racking

Organization Solution and Services

  • PV/Solar Components, Tracker, Junction box, connectors, Racking System, Solar Mounting Eq, Module-level monitoring, Solar line manufacturing Machine

    Organization Types:

  • Manufacture
  • Organization Size: Revenue under 10M
  • Revenue: $5.6 Million

  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : KB Racking is a manufacturer specializing in solar mounting systems for commercial rooftops across North America. With over 10 years and 200+ MW of clean energy installed, KBR has established collaborative relationships within the solar industry and continues to strive towards a clean and sustainable future.

Other Information: KB Racking, founded in 2010, specializes in providing ballasted and anchored solar racking systems for flat roof commercial projects and customized solutions for metal roofs. Based in Toronto, Ontario, the company focuses on delivering high-quality, reliable solar mounting solutions that simplify installation and enhance energy efficiency. Key products include the EkonoRack, AeroRack, and SeamRack series, all designed for ease of use and durability. KB Racking works closely with customers throughout the project cycle to ensure a seamless experience. The company emphasizes innovative designs and aims to support the transition to renewable energy through effective solar mounting solutions .

Key People Info:


Eugene Kinzburg


Sales Director




Kevin Ramsaran






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