About this organization

Organization Name: Staubli Electrical Connectors

Organization Solution and Services

  • PV/Solar Components, Tracker, Junction box, connectors, Racking System, Solar Mounting Eq, Module-level monitoring, Solar line manufacturing Machine

    Organization Types:

  • Manufacture
  • Organization Size: Revenue over 100M
  • Revenue: $1.7B

  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : Stäubli Electrical Connectors is a leading manufacturer of electrical connectors and contact systems, providing innovative solutions for demanding applications. Stäubli Electrical Connectors builds on more than 50 years of engineering and design experience to continually break new ground in the field of advanced contact technology. Solar Power International (SPI) is North America’s premier business-to-business event for professionals in solar energy and related fields. This will be a great venue to showcase our brand as the original world-leading, highest quality, most bankable solution provider.

Other Information: Stäubli Electrical Connectors, founded in 1982 and headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, is a leading manufacturer of precision electrical and electronic connectors. The company, originally known as Multi-Contact, has a strong presence in North America with operations in Windsor, California. Stäubli's product range includes single-pole and multipole connectors, modular connector systems, and specialized solutions for solar energy, automation, and various industrial applications. The company is renowned for its original MC4 solar connectors, which set industry standards for reliability and performance. Stäubli continues to innovate in advanced contact technology, serving diverse global markets with high-quality, durable products​.

Key People Info:


John Mlincsek


Sales Director




Murat Kulahci


Sales Manager




Seth Burns


Business Development




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