About this organization

Organization Name: Unirac, Inc

Organization Solution and Services

  • PV/Solar Components, Tracker, Junction box, connectors, Racking System, Solar Mounting Eq, Module-level monitoring, Solar line manufacturing Machine

    Organization Types:

  • Manufacture
  • Organization Size: Revenue in the 10M-100M range
  • Revenue: $66.6 Million

  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : Unirac, Inc., founded in 1998 and based in Albuquerque, New Mexico, is a leading manufacturer of solar PV mounting systems in North America. With over 12.5 GW of experience and more than 2.5 million installations, Unirac offers innovative solutions for residential, commercial, and utility-scale projects. Their products include ground mounts, roof mounts, and solar hooks, emphasizing ease of installation and customer support. Acquired by Hilti Group in 2010 and later by Tenex Capital Management in 2016, Unirac maintains ISO certifications for environmental and quality management

Other Information: At Unirac, we believe that Better Solar Starts Here. For over two decades, we have delivered the best solar PV racking products and services because we know it’s not just about building your solar projects quickly, it’s about doing it right. With over 1,500,000 installations, our team has the expertise that makes a difference. We may manufacture solar racking, but our true focus is on creating the best customer experience for our partners. With Unirac, you get responsive customer support, an array of innovative solar solutions, and services that will help keep you ahead in a constantly evolving industry. We’ll give you everything you need to make solar happen – whether it be finding your customer, choosing the right product for their site, product optimization, engineering support, or training, we’ll be there every step of the way to ensure your project is a shining success.

Key People Info:


Juan Delgadillo


Regional Sales Director




Ryan McAuliffe


Territory Sales Manager




Reggie E


Business Development Manager






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