About this organization

Organization Name: Campbell Scientific

Organization Solution and Services

  • Electrical Test EQ, Sensors, Measuring EQ, Monitoring, Weather (solar) Monitoring, Dynamic Line Rating (DLR), Transformer Monitors, DGA, Bushing Monitors, Switchgear/Circuit Breaker Monitor, substation eq Monitor

  • Protection & Control Systems, SCADA, Relay Systems, Data Acquisition Systems

    Organization Types:

  • OEM, Manufacture
  • Organization Size: Revenue in the 10M-100M range
  • Revenue: -

  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : Campbell Scientific is a leading provider of data acquisition systems, offering high-quality measurement and control solutions. Founded in 1974, the company specializes in data loggers, sensors, and telemetry for environmental, industrial, and scientific applications. Their products are renowned for reliability, accuracy, and versatility, serving various sectors such as meteorology, hydrology, agriculture, and energy. Campbell Scientific’s systems are used worldwide for research and monitoring, enabling users to collect, analyze, and manage data efficiently. The company emphasizes innovation, customer support, and customization to meet specific project needs, ensuring precise data for informed decision-making. Campbell Scientific offers automated data-acquisition systems specifically designed for solar and wind monitoring applications. Preconfigured solar energy systems, the SunScout, complete monitoring system, and DustSENS Solar-Module Soiling Measurement System, are both designed to meet CAISO standards for photovoltaic and concentrated solar technology projects of all sizes. The SunScout offers a range of options for sensors, cellular modems, and data management. The DustSENS measures and calculates the soiling-loss index to provide solar energy professionals with the information needed to evaluate and manage the impact of soiling on their photovoltaic (PV) power plant performance. Systems for wind-resources assessment and power performance are specifically designed to meet the requirements of IEC 61400-12-1. These systems have a wide range of options for measuring wind speed, wind direction, air density, and electric power. Revenue $63 Million


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