About this organization

Organization Name: Access Intelligence/POWER magazine

Organization Solution and Services

  • Renewable Energy (wind, solar, hydro)

  • Grid Modernization

    Organization Types:

  • Energy Policy & Advocacy Organizations, Publications, Non Profit, Membership organization
  • Organization Size: Revenue in the 10M-100M range
  • Revenue: -

  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : POWER is the one brand that addresses all generation and related technologies and fuels across North America and around the world, providing analysis of this increasingly complex industry. From traditional central power stations to distributed energy resources, POWER covers all aspects of the electric power sector, including transmission and distribution. Established in 1882, the POWER brand is dedicated to providing its global audience with exclusive insight on the latest industry trends and best practices, and news about power generation and related projects, through several platforms, including print and digital media, and in-person events. POWER equips professionals in generation and related technologies, as well as those who support them, with the resources they need to make informed decisions that power the future. Revenue $68 Million


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