About this organization

Organization Name: TMEIC Corporation Americas

Organization Solution and Services

  • Energy Storage Systems, Batteries, Energy Storage component, Inverter

  • Automation Substation & Distribution Solutions, Industrial Control Systems, remote I/O ,Control Switches & Connectors, PLC, Drive, Human Machine Interface Drive, Industrial Motors, Automation Assembly Lines:

    Organization Types:

  • Consulting
  • Organization Size: Revenue over 100M
  • Revenue: $124.4 Million

  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : TMEIC Corporation Americas, founded in 2003, is a subsidiary of Toshiba Mitsubishi-Electric Industrial Systems Corporation (TMEIC). It provides advanced automation, control, and drive solutions for industries including oil and gas, metals, material handling, and power generation. The company’s product portfolio includes industrial motors, variable frequency drives, and automation systems, designed to enhance operational efficiency and productivity. Known for innovative technologies and engineering expertise, TMEIC is committed to delivering reliable and efficient solutions tailored to the complex needs of industrial clients across the Americas.

Other Information: TMEIC is a pioneer in developing technology for renewable energy. TMEIC has installed over 29 GW of renewable energy globally. The TMEIC Solar Ware® Ninja is a revolutionary photovoltaic and energy storage inverter system. The inverter’s modular and stackable system, along with its multi-block configurations, offers clients the capability for PV plant optimization at an unprecedented level. The inverter system meets market needs for PV-alone, stand-alone storage, or TMEIC’s hybrid PV+ESS solution. Offering industry-leading reliability, bankability, grid-functionality, and efficiency, the Solar Ware Ninja is the ideal solution for PV & Storage plants today and the future. TMEIC provides advanced grid integration, Energy Storage and PV monitoring solutions.

Key People Info:


"Chris Braunlich


Sales Manager




"Stephan Bondy


Business Development Manager




"Eric Kauffman


Director of Business Development




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